Kill or be killed. The tragic theme of my most recent dreams, in which I am attempting to kill my family. These have not been intentional dreams (something I've been experimenting with lately), and they disturb me quite a bit, because most dreams have a grain of truth to them. In the most recent, I try to kill my sister by lacing her dishes with poisons. But she eludes death by graciously giving away all her dishes. Offstage, I unwittingly kill the recipient.
The dream before that included really intense swordfights with my dad. We had an armoury full of weapons... and used two at a time.
This all seems so strange since I'm not a violent person by any means. Moreover, I haven't seen or heard from my family for several weeks.
The dream before that included really intense swordfights with my dad. We had an armoury full of weapons... and used two at a time.
This all seems so strange since I'm not a violent person by any means. Moreover, I haven't seen or heard from my family for several weeks.